Curia will hold its Acies at St. Gregory’s on March 25, 2007. Please make sure to save
the date so that
you can attend. Attendance
is required
for active members; auxiliaries are also invited.
According to the Legion of
Mary Handbook:
Bearing in mind the importance of devotion to Mary in the Legion
system, each year there shall be a consecration of legionaries to Our
The consecration - which shall comprise both an individual and a
collective consecration –
will take place on the 25 March or on a day close thereto, and will be
known as the Acies.
This Latin word, meaning as
it does an army ranged in battle array, is appropriate to a ceremony in
which the legionaries as a body assemble to renew their fealty to Mary,
Queen of the Legion, and from her to receive strength and blessing for
yet another year's battle with the forces of evil. Moreover, the word
is in effective contrast with praesidium, which contemplates the
Legion, no longer drawn up in united array, but split up into its
various sections, each engaged in its own particular sphere of duty.
The Acies is the great central annual function of the Legion, so that
it is necessary to stress the importance of attendance on the part of
every member. The essential idea of the Legion, upon which all else is
built, is that of working in union with and in dependence on Mary, its
Queen. The Acies is the solemn expression of that union and dependence,
the renewal-individual and collective-of the legionary declaration of
fealty. Hence it is manifest that any legionaries who can attend, and
yet fail to do so, have little or none of the spirit of the Legion in
them. The membership of such persons is not an asset to the Legion.
The following is the procedure:-
On the day fixed for the ceremony, the legionaries shall assemble - if
possible in a church. At a convenient spot is placed a statue of the
Immaculate Conception, suitably decorated with flowers and candles. In
front of the statue will stand a large-size replica of the Legion
vexillum, which is described in chapter 27.
The proceedings commence with a hymn, followed by the opening prayers
of the Legion including the Rosary. An address by a priest on the
significance of the consecration to Our Lady follows. Then the
procession towards the statue begins. The Spiritual Directors go first
in single file.
Then the legionaries, also singly, except in the case of great numbers
when they may advance in pairs. On reaching the vexillum, each one (or
each pair) pauses; then, placing the hand upon the staff of the
vexillum, he repeats vocally, as an individual act of consecration, the
following words: "I am all yours, my Queen, my Mother, and all that I
have is yours." This done, the vexillum is relinquished, the legionary
bows slightly and passes on. If the number of legionaries is large, the
making of the individual act of consecration will occupy some time, but
the impressiveness of the ceremony will gain rather than lose by that
fact. It will help if an organ be played during the procession of the
legionaries to and from the statue.
It would not be in order to use more than one vexillum. Such expedient
would shorten the proceedings, but it would destroy their unity.
Moreover, the note of haste would be discordant. The special
characteristic of the Acies should be its order and dignity.
When all legionaries have resumed their places, an act of consecration
to Our Lady is said aloud by the priest on behalf of all present.
Following this, the Catena is recited, all present standing. Then
follows, if at all possible, Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament;
after which the concluding prayers of the Legion are recited, a hymn is
sung, and the Acies terminates. It would be in order, of course, to
have Holy Mass celebrated on the occasion of the Acies, in place of the
Benediction, the other details of the ceremony remaining the same. The
Celebration of the Paschal Mystery would absorb into itself and present
to the Eternal Father, through the "one Mediator" and in the Holy
Spirit, all the consecrations and spiritual offerings which are placed
in the maternal hands of "the generous associate and humble handmaid of
the Lord." (LG 61)
The above formula of consecration: "I am all yours, etc." should not be
mechanically or thoughtlessly pronounced. Each one should compress into
it the fullest degree of understanding and gratitude. As a help towards
this, he should study A Marian Synthesis, appendix 11. This endeavours
to set forth the unique part played by Mary in
salvation, and accordingly the extent of each one's debt to her.
Perhaps the Synthesis could be made the subject of the spiritual
reading and of the Allocutio at a praesidium meeting shortly before the
Acies. It is suggested that it be also used as the collective act of
consecration at the ceremony itself.
"Mary is an object of terror to the powers of hell. She is 'terrible as
an army set in battle array' (Song 6:3), for, like a wise Commander,
she well knows how to dispose her power, her mercy, and her prayers for
the confusion of the enemy and for the benefit of her servants." (St.
Alphonsus Liguori)
Since the Handbook says, “The Acies is the great central
annual function of the Legion,” and since the Handbook says,
“it is manifest that any legionaries who can attend, and yet
fail to do so, have little or none of the spirit of the Legion in them.
The membership of such persons is not an asset to the
Legion.” It is clear that there is great importance in
informing all active members of the Legion of Mary about the
Acies. It is also very important to invite Auxiliary members
to the Acies. The following are just a few ideas as to how to
spread the word to auxiliaries about the upcoming Acies:
- As you visit auxiliaries, as part of the requirement
of each Praesidium to visit all its auxiliary members yearly, inform
them of Acies
- Call all auxiliary members and inform them of the
upcoming Acies
- Send out a mailing to all Auxiliary members inviting
them to Acies
- Develop a plan to arrange for rides to Acies for
members who are otherwise unable to attend, and inform auxiliaries of
this free service
- Place an announcement of Acies in your parish bulletin
- Post information about the Acies and discuss it as
auxiliary members are met during recruiting drives after Mass.
Praesidia may find that taking a few minutes during “other
business” to discuss how to inform auxiliaries of Acies is
worth the time.