- Every legionary body shall make a contribution towards the
maintenance of its next-highest council. Subject to that and the
following provisions, every legionary body has full control over its
own funds and exclusive liability for its own debts.
- The various bodies should not limit their contributions to
percentages or bare minima. It is recommended that whatever surplus
funds remain after the needs of the praesidium have been met, should be
sent to the Curia for the general purposes of the Legion. In this, as
in all other matters, the relations of the praesidium to the Curia
should be those of a child to its mother, the latter filled with
solicitude for the interests of the former, which in turn tries to
afford every assistance in lightening the maternal cares.
Very often praesidia do not sufficiently appreciate the fact that the
general administration of the Legion is dependent on their
contributions. They are found meeting only the bare needs of Curiae,
and sometimes they fail even to do that much. As a consequence; those
Curiae cannot aid the higher councils to bear the heavy burden
attaching to the work of extension, the starting and visitation of
branches, and other running expenses. This means that a vital legionary
function is being crippled, which is a woeful thing to follow from mere
- All proposals for novel expenditure are to be referred by
praesidia to the Curia so that the latter may judge if anything is
involved which might have faulty reactions.
- The Curia may give money grants to a praesidium, but must
not assume financial responsibility in respect of any work being
carried on by that praesidium. That responsibility rests on the
praesidium itself. The necessity for this regulation is obvious.
Without it, any group running a Club, Hostel, or other work could, by
being constituted a praesidium, turn the other praesidia into
collecting agencies on its behalf.
It follows from this that no praesidium may call, otherwise than as a
favour, upon any other praesidium or upon the Curia for assistance in
the collection of funds.
- Any transfer of funds, other than by a praesidium to its
special work or vice versa, shall be a matter for Curia sanction.
- In the event of a praesidium or a legionary council falling
through, or ceasing to function as a Legion body, the ownership of its
funds and property is thereupon vested in the next-highest governing
- The Spiritual Director shall have no personal financial
responsibility for debts which he has not himself advised.
- The Treasurer's books shall be audited annually. It is
suggested that two members of the praesidium or the council (as the
case may be), other than the Treasurer, be appointed to that duty.
- It would be impossible to associate the idea of
wastefulness with Our Lady's housekeeping. Therefore it goes without
saying that every legionary body must handle its property and its funds
watchfully and economically.
"All mankind is one whole, a body in
which each member receives and ought also to give. Life should live and
circulate. It comes to all; he who would stop it, loses it. He who
consents to lose it, finds it. Each soul, if it would live, should pour
itself forth into another soul. Every gift of God is a force which must
be passed on in order to be preserved and multiplied," (Gratry: The
Month of Mary)