Catholic Encyclicals 

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Christian Hope 2007
Sacrament of Love 2007
God is Love (2006)
The Eucharist (2003)
Faith and Reason (1998)
On Ecumenism (1995)
The Value of Life (1995)
Splendor of Truth (1993)
Capital & Labor (1891)
Capital & Labor (1991)
Missionary Activity (1990)
Development (1967)
Development (1987)
On Mary (1987)
On The Holy Spirit (1986)
Slavorum Apostoli (1985)
Laborem Exercens (1981)
Dives in Misericordia (1980)
Redemptor Hominis (1979)

The list of Apostolic Constitutions, Encyclicals, and Apostalic Exhortations, to the left are an excellent resource to better understanding Catholic Doctrine.  The various levels of Vatican Decrees, in order, are:

  1. Apostolic Constitutions - Constitutions are the highest level of document to be issued.  Constitutions define major Church rules, and rank up there with Cannon Law.  Constitutions also define dogma, such as the Immaculate Conception.
  2. Encyclical Letter -  Encyclicals do not contain new teachings or dogma.  They are, however, authoritative teachings from the Pope, typically re-itterating existing teachings..
  3. Apostolic Exhortations - Exhortations are written to encourage the faithfull to carry out some good action
  4. Apostolic Letter - Typically much lesser than an Constitution, these letters generally are lesser organizational types of letters approving religious congragations, making lesser appointments, and the like.
  5. Letter - Typically something written by the Pope or the Curia which further defines or clarifies an existing decree, or which is deals with matters applicable to the recipient only.
Common usage of the word Encyclical will sometimes include all the above documents. For example, the title of this page Catholic Encyclicals does just that. Thus, the word Encyclical is sometimes used interchangably with the term Vatican Decree.